jueves, 31 de enero de 2008

Asturias by Paula


*How to get there :

Asturias is a region in the North of Spain.
There are monuments and big forests.
There are beautiful landscapes.

*Places to see:

Asturias is an interesting place to visit.
You can see museums, for example: Muja, Museo de
La Minería etc…
You can see beautiful beaches.

*Things to do :

In Asturias you can do very interesting things:

- Guided tours by museums.
- Visit the cave of La Santina.

The scenery from there is wonderful.

*Eating out:

Asturias has many restaurants. There you can eat Fabada Asturiana that is a main dish
in Asturias. You can also eat many more things.


Asturias by Andrea L.


HOW TO GET THERE: Asturias is a province of northern Spain. Oviedo is the capital of Asturias.
There are modern buses and there are fantastic shopping centres. There are more monuments. There are some parks and there is a small airport, it is not international.

PLACES TO SEE: Asturias has some things for everyone, .there are some magnificent museums, e.g.: Jurassic museum; there is a gallery of art. You can see an important monument, sculptures and the Virgin of Covadonga.
There are some important rivers for example: river Sella , in this river there is an annual descent of canoes very important.
There are two very nice football stadiums where Sporting and Oviedo play.

THINGS TO DO: here are a few suggestions:
You can play tennis, football and basketball there are some sport centres and you can play a typical sport of Asturias: bowling
You can visit many important caves, e.g.: TITO BUSTILLO
You can see a football match in the Molinón or in the Tartiere
You can also see some very beautiful lakes. The Lagos of Covadonga

EATING OUT: in Asturias you can eat fabada asturiana,
rice with milk , potatoes with eggs, these are my favourite foods;
this is a delicious food, and there is a selection of international restaurants:
Indian, Mexican, Asiatic…..

Asturias is a place for lots of fun.
And you can make many friends

viernes, 25 de enero de 2008

Hillary's top ten campaign promises

Who are you for? Click here and make up your mind

listen and learn: what can you do?

listen and learn basic structures and vocabulary

how do you feel?

this is an educational video for learning about feelings

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008


Here are the readings to summarize.
Each of you have a different story to retell using your own words.

Daniel S. pincha aquí

Daniel H. pincha aquí

Nacho pincha aquí

Álvaro pincha aquí

Remember that if all of you do it properly you will get one red point.

lunes, 7 de enero de 2008

Beijing 2008

Ya están más cerca las olimpiadas, si crees que eres un buen deportista pincha aquí o aquí

Propuestas para el 2008

Este año nada es imposible.

Haz lo que desees.

Simplemente créetelo.